Have you ever worried about dying from a small open wound or infection? Most of you would find it absurd, but this was the reality during the pre-antibiotic era. The antibiotics were introduced as a miracle drug in the medical industry with its ability to increase the life-expectancy. But the tables have turned now; what started as a life saver now poses a threat to the same! With every dose of antibiotics consumed unnecessarily, the bacteria causing the infection increases its resistance towards them. Imagine the conundrum if this continues to go on!
But do you know that medicines aren’t the only way we consume antibiotics? Much to our surprise, it comes down to our food. With every meal, with every glass of milk, we intake antibiotics on a regular basis. Antibiotics found its way into food and farming since the onset of industrialization in agriculture. As the demand for food grew, so did the abuse of soil and livestock in agriculture.

Akshayakalpa farmer cleaning the cow shed
Did you know? Most of the infection causing bacteria and viruses in cows, stem from the unhygienic environment they are stuffed in. Imagine being tied down all day in an area that reeks contamination. It’s a horror to even imagine. As it were, this is the reality that the cows go through in most dairy farms today. At Akshayakalpa, we not only value our cows, but also its freedom, health and happiness. Our customized cow sheds provide a clean and spacious shelter. With ample space to roam around, our cattle enjoy the breath of freedom.