Pure. Organic. Nutritious.

At Akshayakalpa, we believe in a journey that begins with the earth itself. By cultivating organic purity, we not only nourish bodies but also revive soil fertility and empower farming as a sustainable livelihood. Join us in planting the seeds of a better tomorrow. 

 It is through our commitment to soil and farmers that we ensure every product is pure and organic, a promise you can trust for your family’s well-being.

The world’s food system is broken. The very foundation of life—healthy soil and sustainable farming—is slipping away. Nearly 2,000 farmers leave their fields every single day, driven away by the harsh reality that farming no longer provides a viable livelihood. Two-thirds of the Earth’s soil is degraded, and in just 60 years, fertile land may cease to exist

What will our kids eat?

Who will grow their food?

Will the soil offer enough nutrition?

Akshayakalpa exists to challenge this reality and create a new one. Through our closed-loop, regenerative, and integrated farming model, we are proving that it’s possible to heal the soil, empower farmers, and deliver chemical-free, good food to every table. 


At Akshayakalpa, our cow sheds are designed to provide a comfortable environment. The cows have access to mattresses and 24/7 food and water, keeping them stress-free and in turn making sure that your milk is also free from any stress hormones.
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Trenching & Bunding

We dig trenches and build bunds to prevent soil erosion and keep moisture in. This helps collect and store rainwater, improving soil structure and fertility.
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At Akshayakalpa, we harness cow dung to produce biogas, which not only powers our farm but also enriches the soil, paving the way for organic food growth.
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We embrace intercropping by planting bananas alongside other crops, promoting biodiversity. This approach improves soil health, reduces pest issues, and optimizes resource use.
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Farm Pond

Our farm pond collects and stores rainwater, ensuring a reliable water supply during dry spells. This supports irrigation and maintains soil moisture levels, essential for crop health and soil fertility.
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We use Dashaparni, an organic pesticide made by fermenting a mix of water, cow urine, dung, and plant materials like neem and chili for 30-40 days. Diluted to 3-4%, it effectively kills plant pests and diseases.
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Raised Beds

Our raised beds optimize root growth and boost soil microbial activity, leading to healthier plants and crops.
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Backyard poultry

Our hens help compensate for the lack of nitrogen by enriching the soil with their litter, making it fertile for crops to thrive. And guess what? These nutrient-rich eggs are a delightful byproduct of this organic process. Laid by hens that roam in the backyards of our farmer homes, each egg carries a little piece of our farm's story and dedication to sustainable agriculture.
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At Akshayakalpa, we intercrop with plants like bananas, coconuts, and jackfruit trees. It offers multiple benefits, including improved pest control, better resource utilization, and enhanced soil fertility. This practice increases overall farm productivity and sustainability.
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At Akshayakalpa, farmers are the backbone of our mission. We believe in empowering young people to see agriculture not just as a livelihood but as a fulfilling vocation. Through our rural entrepreneurship model, we train and mentor farmers for 12-18 months in organic farming techniques, making sure they adopt sustainable and healthy production practices. This not only secures their future but also guarantees the integrity of our organic produce.
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Bee Keeping

Bees pollinate our crops, helping them grow more and better. This natural process keeps plants healthy and supports biodiversity. The best part? It gives us pure, organic honey for you to enjoy!
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Coconut trees

By integrating coconut trees into our sustainable farming practices, yields have increased from 55 to 89 nuts per year. This approach not only improves soil health, but also optimizes resources and supports a balanced ecosystem.
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Cover crops

We plant cover crops like tapioca, beetroot, and brahmi to safeguard the soil against erosion while enriching it with natural nutrients, helping to restore and maintain its fertility.
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We prioritize planting nutrient-rich grass, not just as fodder for our cows but as a key player in enhancing soil health and fostering biodiversity.
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Consumer love

Consumers trust us for the care behind every product. Through farm visits, they see firsthand how we care for our cows and create a harmonious ecosystem with our crops and animals. This connection makes every bite not just nutritious, but meaningful.
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Over 14 years , we’ve witnessed the power of this transformation. The numbers speak for themselves

But this is about more than numbers. It’s about reconnecting you to the source of your food, nurturing the land that sustains us, and ensuring that future generations inherit a world where farming thrives, soil lives, and communities flourish.

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